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No spam today tomorrow ever


No spam


No spam2


Village idiot


Danger Cliff edge


Money down the toilet


Nothing to see here


Head in hands


Clear your ears out


Good post


Shut the f up


what the f


homer drooling


homer must have beer




money jump


red card 


Homer goal 


homer overs landed 


big fish caught


Borat Niiice


Internet tough guy 


I don’t know pie chart


Billy Liar


1500 go to the bottom with titanic




Please be quiet 


Two dollar bettor 


Legendary Thread 


Trashed PC


hippo yawn




Biggest loser 






You’re Fired


Pull my finger 


I want you to stop whining


Play at your own risk


Hot dogs 


Burning money 


Ass kisser 


Ego maniac 


Mad as a hatter 


Pray to the lord 


That’s what he said 


Fully qualified village idiot 


Loser L 


Thread failed 


I know you are lying 


Chart descending 


Chart ascending 


Looney left 


Logged on for a year 


Rachel Riley blow job 


Pile of dung 


I beat anorexia 


You da man 


Venger head in hand 


I want you to stop seething


A closed mouth gathers no foot


Cardboard city 


King of kings 


Fisherman no bites yet 


Caps lock directions 


Never underestimate the stupidity of idiots


Chimp head in hand 


Idiot alert 


This is when you became a moron


Bullshit amplifier detector 


Different gravy 


Go sit in the corner dumbass 


Confused signpost 


Shut up and listen 


Certified loony 


Empty pockets 


Head in urinal 


Big Issue 


Knob heads 


Head up your own ass 


I did nothing today and still got paid


Shut up and take my money


Cloud cuckoo land


women outside kitchen offside


Burkha passport


Chelsea bum training 


Attention seeker


Please ring for attention


Can’t stop losing mug


Clueless is no excuse


Rat bastard


Dude what the f


You’re doing it wrong
